

Pre-Hospital Care Management of a Potential Spinal Cord Injured Patient: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Evidence-Based Guidelines

Management of pregnancy and obstetric complications in prehospital trauma care: prehospital resuscitative hysterotomy/perimortem caesarean section

Part 7: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support

Immobilization and Splinting in Mountain Rescue

Pre‐hospital airway management: guidelines from a task force from the Scandinavian Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Recommended practice for out-of-hospital emergency anaesthesia in adults

Guidelines for initial management and assessment of spinal injury

Major Trauma: Assessment and Initial Management

Resuscitation of avalanche victims: Evidence-based
guidelines of the international commission for mountain emergency medicine (ICAR MEDCOM)

European Academy of Neurology and European Stroke Organization consensus statement and practical guidance for pre‐hospital management of stroke

Prehospital emergency thoracotomy: when to do it?

The Norwegian guidelines for the prehospital management of adult trauma patients with potential spinal injury

Advanced Cardiac Life Support: 2016 Singapore Guidelines

Development of a new Emergency Medicine Spinal Immobilization Protocol for trauma patients and a test of applicability by German emergency care providers

Pre-hospital spinal immobilisation: an initial consensus statement

Guidelines for Prehospital Fluid Resuscitation in the Injured Patient

The pre-hospital management of life-threatening chest injuries: A consensus statement from the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Part 12: Pediatric Advanced Life Support