The Education Committee has developed a variety of resources to assist EMS educators in content related to EMS-related research and evidence-based guidelines. Refer to our Resources Page.
Committee Chair
Kenneth Navarro, PhD
UT Southwestern
Dallas, TX
Development and Evaluation
The Development and Evaluation Committee aims to support guideline developers by exploring ways to improve the development and evaluation of guidelines. The PGC's efforts include biennial systematic reviews of published prehospital guidelines and has provided recommendations for improving the quality of prehospital evidence-based guidelines.
Committee Chair
Kathleen Brown, MD
Children's National Hospital
Washington, DC

Dissemination and Implementation
The Dissemination and Implementation Committee promotes the dissemination and implementation of guidelines, including the development of new knowledge in implementation science related to EMS. Prior products of the committee include a systematic review of literature related to the implementation of prehospital guidelines. The committee also hold webinars aimed to promote implementation science in EMS. Refer to our Resources Page.
Committee Chair
Jennifer Fishe, MD
University of Florida
Jacksonville, FL
The Finance Committee promotes the sustainability of the Consortium and facilitates information on funding for project teams interested in the development, implementation, or evaluation of EMS guidelines, or their evaluation. Refer to our Resources Page.
Committee Chair
Angus Jameson, MD, MPH
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL

The Research Committee promotes research that can lead to future guideline development. Products of the committee include using a Delphi approach to identify priorities for prehospital evidence-based guideline development.
Committee Chair
Christopher Richards, MD
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH