

Development of a Prehospital Tranexamic Acid
Administration Protocol

National consensus on communication in prehospital trauma care, the DENIM study

Development of a new Emergency Medicine Spinal Immobilization Protocol for trauma patients and a test of applicability by German emergency care providers

The Norwegian guidelines for the prehospital management of adult trauma patients with potential spinal injury

Withholding and termination of resuscitation of adult cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to trauma: Resource document to the joint NAEMSP-ACSCOT position statements

Major Trauma: Assessment and Initial Management

The Treatment of Patients With Severe and Multiple Traumatic Injuries

First Aid (AHA 2015 Update)

Pre-Hospital Care Management of a Potential Spinal Cord Injured Patient: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Evidence-Based Guidelines

Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines for Spine
Immobilization in the Austere Environment

Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients: Recommendations of
the National Expert Panel on Field Triage, 2011

Management of pregnancy and obstetric complications in prehospital trauma care: prehospital resuscitative hysterotomy/perimortem caesarean section

An Evidence-based Prehospital Guideline for External Hemorrhage Control: American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma

Cervical collars and immobilisation: A South African best practice recommendation

Guidelines for the initial management and assessment of spinal injury. British Trauma Society, 2002

Guidelines for Prehospital Fluid Resuscitation in the Injured Patient

Prehospital Spine Immobilization for Penetrating Trauma—Review and Recommendations From the Prehospital Trauma Life Support Executive Committee

Prehospital emergency thoracotomy: when to do it?

Prehospital Cervical Spinal Immobilization After Trauma

Pre-hospital spinal immobilisation: an initial consensus statement

Transportation of Patients With Acute Traumatic Cervical
Spine Injuries

Immobilization and Splinting in Mountain Rescue

An Evidence-based Guideline for the Air Medical Transportation of Prehospital Trauma Patients

An Evidence-based Guideline for Prehospital Analgesia in Trauma

Prehospital spine immobilization/spinal motion restriction in penetrating trauma: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST)

The pre-hospital management of life-threatening chest injuries: A consensus statement from the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh